§ 1 Ved oprettelse af en annoncørprofil / tilmelding som annoncør accepterer annoncøren de på denne side nævnte annoncørbetingelser.
§ 2 Ved misligehold af annoncørbetingelser fra annoncørens side kan Salestring opsige samarbejdet med øjeblikkelig varsel. Dette medfører ikke tilbagebetaling af StartUp-fee.
§ 3 Annoncøren kan til enhver tid opsige samarbejdet med løbende måned + 60 dages varsel. Forpligtelser i henhold til cookieperiode, som beskrevet i § 5 i forbindelse med salg af produkter består også udover endt opsigelsesperiode. Opgørelse af salg i cookieperioden vil foregå baseret på enten den foregående måneds salg eller samme måned året forinden. Efter udløb af cookieperiode overfor mediepartnerne, udsteder Salestring ApS en garanti for at der ikke vil blive gjort krav på yderligere betaling fra annoncørens side. I opsigelsesperioden kører kampagnen med de samme betingelser som i måneden op til opsigelsen.
§ 4 Øvrige betingelser inkluderer følgende: Det skal bemærkes, at annoncørens aftale først træder i kraft den dato hvor annoncøren har implementeret tracking, denne er godkendt, alle grafiske materialer og tekster er færdigproduceret og lagt op i Salestrings system – og alle kommissioner ligeledes er lagt op i selvsamme system. Desuden fakturerer Salestring hver den 1. for den foregående måned, fakturaen udstedes med betalingsfrist på 8 dage med mindre andet aftales.
§ 5 Salestring benytter sig af branchestandarder hvad angår cookietid på registrering af salg. Med mindre andet aftales, er cookietiden på et klikbaseret salg således 30 dage og cookietiden på et visningsbaseret salg er 7 dage. Hvis trackingen, af årsager ikke forårsaget af Salestring, bliver fjernet eller deaktiveret på kundes side, vil der blive kalkuleret og faktureret kompensation baseret på et gennemsnit af de seneste 30 dages ordreværdi.
§ 6 Mediepartnernes deltagelse i markedsføring for annoncøren bygger på et tillidsforhold mellem mediepartner og annoncør. Hver mediepartner hos Salestring screenes ved deres oprettelse i Salestrings system, og er derfor pr. default godkendt til alle kunders kampagner. Annoncøren er forpligtet til at informere mediepartnerne om vigtige ændringer i deres udbud – Salestring informerer dog om satsændringer, nye bannere og links eller lukning af et program i et nyhedsbrev til alle mediepartnere.
§ 7 Ved oprettelse af et samarbejde skal der stilles et minimum af materialer til rådighed for alle mediepartnere – det omfatter tekstlinks og minimum 3 størrelser i bannere. For opnåelse af størst mulig omsætning anbefales det at stille 5 størrelser bannere i gif/jpg/png til rådighed, helst størrelserne 160×600, 300×250, 468×60, 728×90 og 930×180.
§ 8 Salestring tilbyder til enhver tid alle kunder en bannerpakke – email til os og hør nærmere…
§ 9 Registrerede salg kan til enhver tid med dokumenteret årsag afvises og slettes. Kommission til den enkelte mediepartner for den forudgående måned udbetales hver måned inden den 31.
§ 10 Af det beløb som annoncøren angiver som kommission pr. salg, klik, visning, unikke besøgende eller andet, tager Salestring 20-30%. Eksempel: Kunden betaler 10% af en ordreværdi på kr. 100 i kommission = kr. 10. Af de kr. 10 går kr. 7 til mediepartneren og kr. 3 til Salestring. Alle satser skal af annoncøren angives eksklusiv moms. Niveau for kommission til mediepartnerne aftales med Salestring og/eller sættes i.f.t. branchestandard – men er som udgangspunkt 100% op til annoncøren selv at vurdere. Satser skal dog som minimum gælde i 14 dage inden de må ændres.
§ 11 I aftaler hvor der betales for lead og/eller salg er annoncøren forpligtet til at levere informationer fra eget system således at Salestring er i stand til at godtgøre mediepartnere med de for lead og salg aftalte beløb. Informationerne sendes via en simple implementeringskode som fremsendes af Salestring inden opstart af samarbejde. Annoncøren skal levere korrekte oplysninger og skal levere dem uden unødigt ophold.
§ 12 Hvis en annoncør ved en fejl eller bevidst fjerner ovenstående implementeringskode fra annoncørens webshop eller website, så vil der blive foretaget en beregning på kompensation baseret på den seneste hele måneds korrekt målte statistik, incl. en evt. opsigelsesperiode eller til den førstkommende 1. i måneden.
§ 13 Hvis du som annoncør har konstateret at en partner overtræder brugerbetingelserne eller hvis du har mistanke derom, så bedes du indrapportere det til Salestring, som så tager omgående affære.
§ 14 I forbindelse med EU’s ‚Persondataforordning‛ (GDPR) tilføjes følgende beskrivelse af de data som Salestring indsamler – på engelsk så vi sikrer os at formuleringerne er dækkende i.h.t. lovgivningen:
1. Obfuscate the last octet of the IP address to be replaced with a „0‟ and anonymized.
2. Replace values that are passed in unique device ids macros with an empty string. Here are the macros/fields this opt in toggle would blank:
These opt-ins are not required since there might be valid business cases to keep them turned off – which is acceptable under GDPR. On top of this, we are reducing the retention we store IP and device identifiers in our reporting (conversion report, click logs) to 120 days. The reason being to minimize the scope of how long we store PII. Let us know if you have any concerns with this change.
Data Deletion Upon Request:
An end user can send a request to an Advertiser to delete any records that contains their PII, specifically their unique device id. The advertiser will then reach out to any Partners/Publishers they are working with to also delete any records that have this device id stored.
For this use case, Salestring will allow you to present us a list of unique device ids that you want deleted. We will then scan our databases across all the device id macros listed above to find records that contain it. We will then blank the specific column on the record that has the unique device id, but still maintain the rest of the full record as is, so that aggregate counts still remain the same.
25 Month Retention:
We will be updating the retention of our log/event level reporting (conversion report, click logs) to only be 25 months back. This is done to minimize the scope of how much data is stored and comply with GDPR to only store data as long as it’s reasonably needed. From our analysis, we found that customers rarely look at data older than 25 months.
This change will go live as of May 25th 2018.‟at the bottom
Advertiser Terms
§ 1 When creating an advertiser profile / registering as an advertiser, the advertiser accepts the advertiser conditions mentioned on this page.
§ 2 In the event of non-compliance with advertiser conditions by the advertiser, Salestring may terminate the collaboration with immediate notice. This does not result in a refund of the StartUp fee.
§ 3 The advertiser can terminate the collaboration at any time with current month + 60 days‛ notice. Obligations according to the cookie period, as described in § 5 in connection with the sale of products, also exist beyond the end of the notice period. Calculation of sales during the cookie period will be based on either the previous month’s sales or the same month the year before. After the cookie period has expired, Salestring ApS issues a guarantee to the media partners that no further payment will be required from the advertiser. During the termination period, the campaign runs under the same conditions as in the month leading up to the termination.
§ 4 Other conditions include the following: It should be noted that the advertiser’s agreement only comes into force on the date on which the advertiser has implemented tracking, this has been approved, all graphic materials and texts have been produced and posted in Salestring’s system – and all commissions have also been posted up in the same system. In addition, Salestring invoices every 1st of the previous month, the invoice is issued with a payment deadline of 8 days, unless otherwise agreed.
§ 5 Salestring uses industry standards regarding cookie time for registration of sales. Unless otherwise agreed, the cookie period for a click-based sale is thus 30 days and the cookie period for an impression-based sale is 7 days. If the tracking, for reasons not caused by Salestring, is removed or deactivated on the customer’s side, compensation will be calculated and invoiced based on an average of the last 30 days‛ order value.
§ 6 The media partners‛ participation in marketing for the advertiser is based on a relationship of trust between the media partner and the advertiser. Every media partner at Salestring is screened when they are created in Salestring’s system, and is therefore per default approved for all customers‛ campaigns. The advertiser is obliged to inform the media partners about important changes in their offer – Salestring, however, informs about rate changes, new banners and links or the closure of a program in a newsletter to all media partners.
§ 7 When establishing a collaboration, a minimum of materials must be made available to all media partners – this includes text links and a minimum of 3 sizes in banners. To achieve the greatest possible turnover, it is recommended to provide 5 sizes of banners in gif/jpg/png, preferably the sizes 160×600, 300×250, 468×60, 728×90 and 930×180.
§ 8 Salestring offers all customers a banner package at all times – email to us for more info…
§ 9 Registered sales can be rejected and deleted at any time with a documented reason. Commission to the individual media partner for the previous month is paid each month before the end of the month
§ 10 Of the amount that the advertiser states as commission per sales, clicks, impressions, unique visitors or other, Salestring takes 20-30%. Example: The customer pays 10% of an order value of DKK 100 in commission = DKK 10. Of the DKK 10, DKK 7 goes to the media partner and DKK 3 to Salestring. All rates must be stated by the advertiser exclusive of VAT. The level of commission for the media partners is agreed with Salestring and/or set in accordance with industry standard – but is basically 100% up to the advertiser to assess. However, rates must apply for a minimum of 14 days before they must be changed.
§ 11 In agreements where payment is made for leads and/or sales, the advertiser is obliged to deliver information from its own system so that Salestring is able to reimburse media partners with the amounts agreed for leads and sales. The information is sent via a simple implementation code which is forwarded by Salestring before the start of cooperation. The advertiser must provide correct information and must provide it without undue delay.
§ 12 If an advertiser mistakenly or deliberately removes the above implementation code from the advertiser’s webshop or website, then a compensation calculation will be made based on the past 14 days‛ correctly measured statistics.
§ 13 If you, as an advertiser, have established that a partner violates the terms of use or if you suspect this, please report it to Salestring, who will then take immediate action.
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